Considering the mission of the Centre for the Study of International Development and Migration (DIM) within the FSP – SNSPA to promote knowledge in the fields of international development and migration, we provide an academic framework for national and international debates by:

  • Promoting and facilitating debates and discussions among epistemic communities regarding the topics addressed in the conducted research;
  • Taking an active part in public debates and contributing to informing and educating citizens regarding issues with societal impact;
  • Stimulating discussions concerning policies and political options in this field by organizing projects and events aimed at facilitating interaction between research communities and policy-making communities.

Future events:

March 11, 2025 – Hybrid Webinar. „Between Two Titans: The Draghi Plan on the Recovery of Europe’s Economic Powerhouse Status”. See more…

In September, veteran of EU affairs, Mario Draghi, released his long-awaited report on the state of the Union’s economy. In a world moving away from cooperation to competition, following the Covid pandemic, his predictions are coming chillingly true. Draghi identifies 3 main fields of European action: 1) Technological innovation, 2) The Green Policy and competitiveness, and 3) Increasing security and reducing dependencies. Yet, European corporations have fallen behind in technology and innovation, when compared to their US and PRC counterparts. Unless we can sustain our economic model, Draghi says, we’ll need to make a collective choice to reduce these sectors to 2 or to 1, a scenario in which we will overall lose.                                                                            

Caught between a China on the offensive for imposing its model of centralized planning and an unexpectedly hostile America, which wants to grab as it pleases, how will the European Union act? Will we ‘pull ourselves up by the bootstraps’, toward finding a definitive place in the global economy?

Guest Speaker: Dr. Leslie Huckfield, Socialists’ Member of the European Parliament 1984-1989; now Professor of Economics at the Open University in Scotland

Discussant: Lect. univ. Claudiu Crăciun, Head of the Political Sciences and European Studies Department, Faculty of Political Sciences – SNSPA

Date: March 11th 2025

Time: 16:00 Bucharest time (GMT+1)

Location: Hybrid Webinar (Online Attendees: Webex link will be provided after registration; In-Person Attendees are welcomed in room 719, 7th floor, SNSPA headquarters – 30A Expozitiei Boulevard)

Agenda: available here.

To register for the webinar, please visit:  

Past events:

January 14, 2025 – Webinar. “Syria’s Future After Assad – Migration, Foreign Policy, and the Path to Stability”. See more…

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Andrei Țăranu, also featuring the presence of Omar Kadkoy (Foreign Policy, Security, and Migration Program Coordinator – Istanbul; Heinrich Böll Stiftung) as keynote speaker, and several guests: Bogdan Dănilă (Chief, Preparedness and Climate Change Adaptation Division – Department of Humanitarian Response and Recovery; International Organization for Migration), Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalcinkaya (Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations/ Director; TOBB University, Bodrum Institute), Fatma Yilmaz (expert in gender and minority policies; SNSPA – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration), and Lect. Dr. Claudiu Crăciun (Head of the Political Sciences and European Studies Department; SNSPA – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration).

The webinar brought to the fore current topics and critical challenges for Syria, providing a discussion platform for international experts and participants interested in geopolitical developments in the Middle East. The recording of the event is available here.

April 26, 2024 – DIM Launch Conference. “2024 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS – The Inevitable Debate: Migration and Asylum”. See more…

Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristian Pîrvulescu, also featuring the presence of Prof. Dr. Remus Pricopie (Rector of SNSPA) and several guests: MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță, the Greens/European Free Alliance Group, and MEP Dragoș Tudorache, Renew Europe, Pablo Zapata, representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Romania, Simona Marin and Mălina Voicu from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Niculae Cârcu, representative of the Romanian National Council for Refugees, and Prof. Dr. Remus Anghel, migration expert from the Faculty of Political Sciences – SNSPA.

Taking place at a crucial moment for the European Union, preceding the European elections in June 2024, the conference addressed one of the continent’s most pressing challenges: migration and asylum.

This theme, of major importance for Europe’s future, was discussed within a debate supported by renowned experts and Romanian MEPs and revolved around three essential questions:

  • What is the European Union doing correctly regarding migration and asylum governance?
  • What are the different policy visions regarding migration of Romanian MEPs and migration policy experts?
  • What risks does perpetuating a faulty system pose for migrants’ rights and political competition within member states?