DIM has initiated a series of projects aimed at promoting intercultural understanding and raising awareness of issues related to migration and international development. These projects, organized by students for students, create an inclusive environment that supports understanding and solidarity towards migrant communities, while also contributing to the development of intercultural competencies and encouraging social and civic engagement among young people.

Organizing debates on topics such as development policies, cultural integration, or the impact of migration on society encourages critical thinking and civic engagement among students, representing an important platform for exploring the diversity of opinions and identifying constructive solutions to contemporary challenges related to migration and international development.

We annually organize events where we present some of the books reviewed within the “Migrating into Books” framework and debate (sometimes with the authors themselves) themes related to international development and migration. The topics are approached either academically or from the subjective perspective of authors’ personal experiences, as we aim to provide an opportunity to understand and discuss the various aspects of migration and international development from both theoretical and practical human perspectives. Thus, participants can explore not only the theories and policies behind migration and development but also gain a deeper understanding of the impact of these phenomena on people’s lives worldwide. By bringing authors and experts before the public, we aim to facilitate direct and authentic interaction that inspires both academic knowledge and empathy, as well as concrete action in support of vulnerable communities.

Events organised. See more…
  • May 14, 2022 – Conference ” Cireșe amare (Bitter Cherries)”. Liliana Nechita (author of the book with the same title), Fatma Yilmaz (expert in gender and minority policies), and Mircea Mocanu (head of the IOM office in Romania) discussed, in a debate moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cristian Pîrvulescu (Dean of FSP-SNSPA), qualitative research as life stories from which an entire effort of “social archaeology” emerges, allowing us to understand some aspects of the post’89 immigration. No public policy can be considered legitimate or well-founded enough if it does not include personal experience. The video review of the book is available on our YouTube channel.
  • December 14, 2022 – Debate “What Happened to Us?”. Roxana Dumitrache (feminist activist and author) discussed with Fatma Yilmaz (expert in gender and minority policies) about and on the book “Black Wave: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the 40-Year Rivalry That Shattered Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle East,” written by Kim Ghattas, a cultural, societal, and political introspective of the Middle East. The video review of the book is available on our YouTube channel.
  • March 9, 2023 – Conference “Urban Myths and … Migrantopathy.” Dan Alexe (writer, author of the cultural essay volumes Dacopatia și alte rătăciri românești (Dacopathy and other Romanian wanderings) and Babel. La început a fost cuvântul (Babel. In the beginning was the word) and Gelu Duminică (sociologist, lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest) discussed the migration of the Roma population in an event moderated by Fatma Yilmaz (expert in gender and minority policies). The full recording of the conference is available on our YouTube channel.
  • May 26, 2023 – Conference “The Armenian Community in Romania: Genocide and Exile”. Varujan Pambuccian (Vice President of the Union of Armenians in Romania), Liviu Rotman (professor at FSP-SNSPA and director of the Centre for Israeli Studies), and Fatma Yilmaz (expert in gender and minority policies) discussed the past and present of the Armenian community in Romania in an event moderated by Ciprian Necula, associate professor at SNSPA. The promo is available on our YouTube channel.

“Migrating into Movies” is a concept designed to highlight the power of film in deciphering and understanding complex social and political issues through the art of cinematography. In a rapidly changing world, we believe it is essential to have spaces where we can openly explore and discuss themes that define our humanity and society. The project aims to build bridges between cultures and life experiences, open necessary discussions, and promote understanding and acceptance of diversity. It is an open invitation to all who wish to explore the world in an authentic way and engage in meaningful dialogues.

The open and interactive post-screening discussions provide an opportunity to reflect on the messages and impact of the films and to explore diverse perspectives on these sensitive topics. In these moments of reflection and exchange of ideas, each participant can share impressions, ask questions, and contribute to a constructive conversation about the themes addressed in the watched film or documentary. We aim to create a space where the community can interact, learn from each other, and enrich our knowledge and empathy. Monthly screenings, in partnership with Humanitas Bookstores.

Events organised. See more…

April 4, 2024, Humanitas Centrul Vechi (42 Lipscani street) – “The Swimmers” (2022), directed by Sally El-Hosaini, a cinematic work based on real events, following the hopeful and courageous journey of individuals risking their lives crossing unknown seas in search of safety and a new beginning. The film was screened with the support of UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency).

Encounters with resource persons – researchers, activists, or individuals who have experienced migration – provide an authentic and personal perspective on the topics addressed. These meetings can inspire and mobilize students to actively support migrant communities or advocate for relevant political and social changes.

Events. See more…

The first event of this project will take place in Autumn 2024 and will be promoted on our social media channels.

This initiative involves students participating in various conferences and events relevant to DIM and creating presentation materials covering key aspects of the respective conference or event (such as writing summaries of presentations, conducting interviews with speakers or participants, creating visual or audiovisual materials, and even publishing texts reflecting their experience and sharing the knowledge gained). This project offers networking opportunities and experiential learning outside the traditional academic environment.

DIM Visits reports:

– Report no. 3. See more…

The representatives of the Centre for International Development and Migration Studies (DIM) participated on May 10, 2024, in an event dedicated to the situation of Ukrainians in Romania, organized within the framework of the ARCA Club project by Kindernothilfe. This event was an important occasion for discussion and exchange of information among organizations actively involved in supporting the Ukrainian community.

Our centre’s experts took part in this event, offering valuable perspectives and practical solutions regarding the support and integration of the Ukrainian community in Romania. We were pleased to stand alongside remarkable organizations such as UNHCR, Terre des Hommes, Ateliere fără frontiere, DGASMB, and many others, who presented best practices and relevant experiences.

The event provided an opportunity to identify common strategies and foster collaboration among various entities involved in supporting Ukrainians and other vulnerable communities. We are committed to continuing our efforts to contribute to facilitating integration and improving the quality of life for these groups, thereby promoting social cohesion and solidarity in our society.

– Report no. 2. See more…


Bondoc Andrei Alexandru

Young Ambassadors Forum (YAF) is an event characterized by connectivity and ambitious organizational cooperation. The Forum is organized annually under the guise of the Volunteers for Ideas and Projects (VIP) NGO and is the result of the laborious work from the most recent members of the organization, planned since December 2023. Among the YAF 2024 partners are The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Department of Sustainable Development, and the Romanian Bank EXIM.

YAF took place over four days, between the 25th – 28th of April. The theme of this edition was ’Diplomacy and Activism: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future’. The dynamics of the event were characterized by an alert workshop schedule and the participation of a culturally diverse collective, formed of students from different cities in Romania and from abroad.

The first day debuted with an opening ceremony, which took place at the Victoria Palace, in the meeting room of the Department of Sustainable Development, chaired by Mir. State Councillor László Borbély. As an introduction, a video recording of the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Mircea Geoană, was played, whose speech centred on the importance of diplomacy in International Relations, also offering the students a piece of personal advice, to guide them in their future career – to be optimistic, because they’ll be capable of grand achievements. Then came speeches by Mr. Borbély, other members of the Department, and experts in the field of diplomacy, who described the activity of the Department and the coordinates of a diplomatic career. After the end of the ceremony at the Victoria Palace, the event took place in the conference room of the Europa Royale Hotel in the Old Town. The first training of the edition revolved around Environmental Law and aimed at exploring the most important international treaties in the field.

In the evening, a Diplomatic Reception was hosted, attended by members of the Embassies of Thailand, Malaysia, Italy, Pakistan, and Morocco to Romania, as well as activists on current international problems. The diplomatic personnel present showed openness to dialogue, offering students the occasion to ask questions, so that the latter could enrich their knowledge on the field of diplomacy. The second and third days were marked by workshops regarding a large array of issues: discrimination, intersectionality, the causes of climate change, and how to reach carbon neutrality. The speakers were experts in the fields of interest, members of several NGO’s, and professors at SNSPA. One of the most appreciated activities was the Q&A session with Romania’s Youth Representative to the United Nations, Alexandru Drăghia, and two representatives from previous generations, which had motivational speeches for the young people at the beginning of their careers. On the last day of the event, the activities had a pragmatic character, being meant to offer the participants the chance to apply all the information accumulated through the trainings, therefore the final goal was creating a Resolution similar to those adopted by the UN General Assembly. The exercise involved acting as the lawmaker on climate issues and adopting the necessary measures. To give the exercise real utility, the Department of Sustainable Development announced that it would consider the proposals from the Resolution of the Forum.

– Report no. 1. See more…

On April 19, 2024, two members of DIM participated in the conference “The Role of Diplomacy in the Context of Current Geopolitical Challenges”, organized by the Romanian Diplomatic Institute (IDR). Their presence at the event marked the launch of the DIM Visits initiative, a project that provides DIM members with the opportunity to participate in activities focused on international relations, organized by other institutions or organizations, both in Romania and abroad.

The main objective of the event was to analyse and highlight the essential role that diplomacy plays on the international stage, with a focus on recent major geopolitical events, including the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The challenges facing global diplomacy were debated by experts, diplomatic personnel, and students. Among the invited speakers were Victor Chirilă, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Romania, and Olivia Toderean, the Romanian Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

In her opening remarks, IDR Director, Professor Liliana Popescu-Bîrlan, emphasized the importance of diplomatic dialogue and the need for effective management of Romania’s relations with other state actors, as well as active engagement in the international organizations of which it is a part. This was followed by a focused dialogue on the topic, during which guests expressed their views and encouraged participants to ask questions and make comments. One of the consensually supported goals was the need for Romania to capitalize on opportunities and respond promptly to challenges arising on the current geopolitical stage. According to the DIM members who attended the conference, Teodora Bucur and Andrei Mihăilă, the event went beyond merely delivering speeches, offering participants the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion of the agenda topics. Additionally, through the knowledge shared by experts and relevant figures in Romania’s foreign policy dynamics, the conference constituted a true “window into the current international scene”.