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He is a university professor at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Political Sciences, the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, as well as a researcher at the Institute for the Study of National Minorities. He obtained his PhD in sociology in 2009 at the University of Bielefeld (Germany). In the past, he had DFG, Marie Curie, New Europe College, Erste research grants and had conducted field research in Romania, Germany and Italy.

He is interested in the broad themes of migration, ethnicity and societal change. In this sense, he coordinated several team research projects, such as the projects “Recovering the voice of migrants. Local perspectives on migration, development and social change in Romania” ( 2012-2016 and “Return migration in IT and agriculture. Adaptation, innovation and social remittances’ ( 2021-2023. Between 2011 and 2021, he initiated and managed the Center for the Comparative Study of Migration affiliated to UBB Cluj.

Over the years, he had published articles in journals such as Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, International Migration, Population, Space and Place, Antipode and others. Among the volumes edited and authored, he published “Sociology of migration. Romanian theories and case studies” (together with István Horváth); “Romanians in Western Europe. Migration, transnational connections and status dilemmas” (Rowman and Littlefield 2013); “The making of world society. Perspectives from transnational research” (transcript, together with Eva Gerharz, Gilberto Rescher and Monika Salzbrunn, 2009); “Transnational return and social change. Hierarchies, identities and ideas” (Anthem press 2019, together with Margit Fauser and Paolo Boccagni).

He is currently interested in the relationship between mobility, land use/ecology and societal and climate changes, having current research in several locations in southern Transylvania.

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He is a doctor university lecturer at the Department of Political Sciences and European Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. He is the author and editor of specialized volumes such as State, violence and sovereignty (Bucharest: Tritonic, 2007) and co-editor with Paul E. Collins of the volume “Management of public policies. Transformations and perspectives”. Iasi: Polirom, 2008. He teaches the courses “European Politics”, “Party Organization”.

Claudiu Crăciun obtained the title of doctor in political sciences in 2007 at SNSPA. He was the president of the International Association of Political Science Students – IAPSS (2002), president of the Global Society of Romanian Students and Young Professionals – GRSPsociety (2009) and member of the Executive Committee of the European Network of Political Sciences – EpsNet (2004-2006). He completed a master’s program in European politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2008). He worked in various positions as an expert in public policies within the General Secretariat of the Government and the Ministry of Education (2004-2009). Since 2009, he is a consultant in the field of public policies and public management.

Research interests: European Politics, Political Parties

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Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences within the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (FSP-SNSPA). Her research interests lie in European Union governance, Europeanization, and public policy analysis, with a recent focus on migration. She has extensive experience in both teaching and research, having published several articles and book chapters on these topics.

She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from SNSPA and she has also completed postdoctoral studies in International Relations and European Studies. In addition to her academic work, dr. Ion has also been involved in various research and consultancy activities. She won and implemented projects financed from international and national sources and she has served as an expert for the Institute of Educational Sciences, the European Institute of Romania, the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation, and the National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Vocational Training.

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Since 2005, he has been the dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences. He has undertaken numerous specialization internships abroad: the Institute of Political Studies and the National Foundation for Political Science in Paris (1995), CESI, Paris (1998), University of Paris X–Nanterre (1998, 2001), CEFIPA, Paris (1999), German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin, and IGMedien, Stuttgart (2001), Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2002), USA (2003). He has coordinated important research programmes: Political parties and doctrinal orientations in Romania in the 1990s (1995-1998), Democracy and multiculturalism (1999-2000), the European program Moress – Romanian segment (2002-2005). He has written dozens of articles and studies, many of which have been published in the pages of the Sfera Politicii journal. Other scientific publications have appeared in editions of the Public Opinion Barometer – the Open Society Foundation, and Le Monde Diplomatique. He is the author of the books: “Politici şi instituţii politice” (2000, 2002) “Partide si sisteme de partide” (2000, 2007), “Ştiinţa politică” (2001), “Manual de filozofie” (coordinators: Adrian Miroiu, Doina Ştefănescu) (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). Between 1999 – 2005 he was a member of the jury of the Public Opinion Barometer, a biennial research conducted by the Open Society Foundation. Since 1999, he has been the president of ProDemocrația Association, since 2003 he has been the moderator of the Political Dialogues organized by Club Prometheus, and since 2004 he has been the president of AIRUE (Association for Romania’s Integration into the European Union), a network of Romanian and European organizations with a strong union imprint. He is a founding member of the Political Science Association and the Political Sciences Society. Since 1996 he has been a member of the Romanian Sociological Association. Since 2007, he has been a member of the European Economic and Social Committee.

Research areas: Comparative Politics, Political Theory, Political Economy

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Vlad Terteleac is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science (SNSPA), where he teaches seminars about rational choice theory, behavioural economic, political philosophy and electoral behaviour. His research interests focus on the theory of externalities, the common European asylum system and the analysis of migration policies. He has over two years of experience working as a country-of-origin information researcher with the Romanian National Council for Refugees.

Junior members

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I started my career as a journalist and communicator, then went on to organise various social and cultural events while working in civil society. As executive director of the Association for the Promotion of Freedom of Expression, I played a key role in the removal of two articles that violated freedom of expression from the draft Penal Code, just as Romania was about to join the EU.

The fire at the Colectiv nightclub in Romania was a profound turning point in my life. It made me dedicate a year of my life to volunteering and supporting the victims and their families. This experience motivated me to launch campaigns to help disadvantaged families, homeless people, migrants and refugees from non-European countries and Ukraine. My efforts led to the creation of a non-profit association that supports vulnerable people.

In order to deepen my knowledge of development, cooperation, migration, social economy and humanitarian aid, I enrolled in the Master of International Development and Migration (back then, Regional Development and International Cooperation) at the Faculty of Political Sciences of SNSPA. My previous studies were in the field of cultural anthropology, communication, heritage and cultural management, migration, ethnic diversity and intercultural relations at the University of Bucharest and the Free University of Brussels. The Centre for the Study of International Development and Migration is the perfect environment for me to further enrich my theoretical and practical knowledge and to contribute my skills and experience to the Centre’s mission of creating a better and more equitable world.

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I am a SNSPA student, graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and European Studies and currently pursuing a master in Development, International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid. I am actively involved in civic society organisations and I chose to focus my academic interests on international development and migration because I consider that they are among the most pressing issues of our current times.

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My interest in the field of migration and international development dates back to my early college years and has steadily grown until completing my master’s program in International Development and Migration in 2023 (back then, Regional Development and International Cooperation). Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to develop and progress both in academic aspects under the centre’s umbrella and in related fields. Within the team, I am responsible for advertising graphics, media content aspects, and also coordinate some of our projects.

In addition to my academic activities, over the last seven years, I have had the chance to learn and grow in a multicultural and informal environment, being part of several civil society organizations. The one I have dedicated most of my time to is AEGEE-Bucharest, an organization part of a European network of NGOs aiming to promote a democratic, diverse, and borderless Europe. Therefore, I have had the opportunity to develop skills related to active citizenship, and promoting multiculturalism and diversity, with numerous projects on sustainable development, as well as aspects related to migration and culture.

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My profound interest in the international political scene and desire to attain comprehensive knowledge about the organizations influencing it have led me to pursue the Master’s program in International Relations and European Integration at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. I am firmly convinced of the importance of thorough analyses, which I consider essential not only in the research field, but also as the foundation of any decision impacting societies. The Centre for the Study of International Development and Migration complements and enriches my academic experience, providing me with the opportunity to apply and expand the knowledge acquired in a practical and interdisciplinary context. Through my involvement in this project, I believe I contribute to shaping a more informed society by highlighting challenges in the international sphere and identifying pragmatic solutions to contemporary issues.