Regional crises, global crises, wars, humanitarian disasters. They all happen around us and all affect us more than we realize at first glance. The world as we knew it is entering a new stage of transformation, with ups and downs; the geopolitical landscape is changing at a dizzying speed, and so are the spheres of influence of major powers. Above all, we are subjected daily to an informational bombardment, in many cases produced by true factories of fake news. How we read, verify, and interpret information correctly, how we piece together fragments of ideas to see the picture of tomorrow’s world, how we manage crisis situations to limit damage — you can learn all of this from the best specialists in the field within the Master in Regional Development and International Cooperation (the previous name of the Master in International Development and Migration) at SNSPA.

Through collaborations with prestigious institutions such as IOM or the University of Liege, students of the program have rapid and comprehensive access to the expertise and working methods of UN-affiliated institutions managing humanitarian crises worldwide. An experience that can transform from a passion into an international-level career.         

Ștefan MUSCELEANU, 2022-2024, Romanian Television journalist

I believe that the decision to pursue this master degree was one of the best I’ve made. Having graduated in law, I aimed to diversify my knowledge by extending it into other areas.

Upon discovering this master programme, I was thrilled by the opportunity to intern at IOM, an international organization that could provide me with multiple opportunities. Given the current international context, I consider education in the field of migrations, IOs and NGOs more than necessary.

I found it to be a welcome challenge, especially since this master programme helps me deepen my foreign language skills, offering not only courses in foreign languages but also colleagues from the Erasmus program.

I’ve had the chance to make new friends and engage in various activities. This university organizes all sorts of events, collaborating with important institutions and individuals who can provide an insider’s perspective.

I particularly enjoy the classes organized by IOM. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and discuss with many experienced individuals, hear their stories, and learn from them. I’ve heard firsthand accounts from individuals who have witnessed war and real issues, and have helped rectify things for ordinary people. Each class has influenced me and proved to me that I’m in the right place.

The courses cover various subjects, ranging from history, religions, European Union matters, current and sociological issues, to anthropology and civil society. This university offers opportunities to participate in programs such as ERASMUS, merit scholarships, performance-based scholarships, internships at international institutions, discussions with professors from international universities, and, most importantly, the chance to obtain a job at organizations like IOM.

The experience I’ve had so far at this school has been pleasant and already has me considering pursuing a doctorate alongside these passionate professors.

Justina MASGRAS, 2022-2024, Legal assistant

I chose this programme primarily because I was highly drawn to the study subjects it offered.

The Master in Regional Development and International Cooperation (the previous name of the Master in International Development and Migration) isn’t just about theoretical study; it places a strong emphasis on providing practical experiences through internships, projects, presentations, and research papers.

My experience within this master programme has undoubtedly been very enjoyable. Despite having international professional and academic experiences, this program has provided me with the most intercultural and multidisciplinary experience.

Furthermore, thanks to this programme, I’ve been able to develop my communication skills, interdisciplinary collaboration competencies, organizational abilities, and research skills.

I am confident that moving forward, my career will be positively influenced by my master studies, and thanks to this experience, I am better prepared for the challenges of my professional future.

Claudia IONESCU, 2021-2023, Cybersecurity Consultant, Wavestone- Paris branch

I applied to the Master in Regional Development and International Cooperation (the previous name of the Master in International Development and Migration) because I wanted to explore new career opportunities and delve into the field of humanitarian assistance. The courses cover a wide range of topics in the field and provide a solid theoretical foundation for various development directions in an area facing numerous challenges. The partnership with IOM ensures an exceptionally useful practical component and, furthermore, offers employment opportunities even during the course of studies.

Constantin MÂRZA, 2021-2023  

If you aim to be part of teams that set the development objectives and priorities of a region, or if you aspire to establish a social enterprise because you are someone who considers the needs of others, or if you desire to work in the field of migration within UN institutions or other major organizations that help and protect the rights of migrants and refugees, or if you want to engage in all activities through which a state can contribute to the institutional, economic, social, and cultural development of other states, and if you seek to improve your foreign languages through the courses you will take over 2 years, then I recommend choosing the Master in International Development and Migration at SNSPA.

Cristina HURDUBAIA, 2020-2022, Cultural manager and humanitarian activist, Brussels, Belgium

I wholeheartedly recommend the Master programme in Regional Development and International Cooperation (the previous name of the Master in International Development and Migration) for its extraordinary opportunities it offers to work in national and international organizations in the fields of migration, development, and humanitarian aid.

The two years of study have indeed prepared me better for what we’ve experienced in the past year, namely the dynamics of refugees from Ukraine alongside the humanitarian intervention of civil society authorities, as well as other international organizations and agencies.

Moreover, I believe that this program becomes even more valuable and relevant in the current context, not only practically or intellectually, but also as an experience of the humanity we are all part of.

Anca DRĂGOI, 2020-2022, Humanitarian Assistance Director, Commit Global (2016-2017 Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture)